Resourcing Development Projects

We help you to deliver your projects by providing the resources that you need

Resourcing solutions

Backend Stack

  • Java
  • Java Spring
  • Spring Boot

Frontend Stack

  • React
  • Angular


  • Kubernetes, Docker
  • Kaffka, Cassandra
  • Jenkins, Git, CI/CD

Key Benefits

Best resources to your need
Based on the requirements we provide the best possible resources with proper experience. Thanks to this we can reduce the learning period and maximize the effectivity.
Can be calculated
The cost of the project is directly tied to the amount of time and materials used, which can make it easier for clients to understand and budget for the project.
Easy to adjust changes
Resourcing development projects allows for changes to be made to the scope of the project as needed, which can be beneficial for projects with uncertain or rapidy changing requirements
Easy and fast way to kickoff projects
We can start deliver before all details have been finalized connected to the project, which can lead to faster delivery times.

Why us?

Quality assurance

Our test automation tools and experienced inspectors guarantee the delivery of a high quality and sustainable software product.


An experienced Agile Software Delivery Team can achieve 300% of the efficiency of an average software development company, because it is able to think on a business basis, see through the eyes of the analyst, and implement the interests of the end user.

You have the control

Control of the value creation process throughout the project is in the hands of our customers.

Focus on business value creation

We deliver a solution that focuses on core business and strategic value creation.

Nitro Solutions is your partner in achieving your goals and beyond.

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